brochure of “Japan Academic Network for Disaster Reduction”, A3 A4
Joint Statement of 30 Disaster-Related Academic Societies of Japan Global sharing of the findings from the Past Great Earthquake Disasters in Japan(Nov. 29 2014)
The booklet of 30 academic societies’ international activities and initiatives against the great earthquakes (November 29, 2014)
“Japan Academic Network for Disaster Reduction” is
Network of Associations related to disaster prevention and mitigation and disaster recovery.
The members of Science Council of Japan became founders and 40 academic societies relevant to disaster management gathered and established emergency contact network. This association aims to collaborate across academies and make efforts to integrate different specialties for disaster reduction.
The Members of Japan Academic Network for Disaster Reduction
Architectural Institute of Japan 日本建築学会
Association for Children’s Environment こども環境学会
Atomic Energy Society of Japan 日本原子力学会
Geographic Information Systems Association of Japan 地理情報システム学会
Geological Society of Japan 日本地質学会
Institute of Social Safety Science 地域安全学会
Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering 日本地震工学会
Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering 日本火災学会
Japan Association for Planning and Public Management 日本計画行政学会
Japan Association for Quaternary Research 日本第四紀学会
Japan Association for Wind Engineering 日本風工学会
Japan Association of Nursing Academies 日本看護系学会協議会
Japan Cartographers Association 日本地図学会
Japan Concrete Institute 日本コンクリート工学会
Japan Emergency Management Association 日本危機管理防災学会
Japan Geoscience Union 日本地球惑星科学連合
Japan Society for Disaster Information Studies 日本災害情報学会
Japan Society for Disaster Recovery and Revitalization 日本災害復興学会
Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science 日本自然災害学会
Japan Society for safety Engineering 安全工学会
Japan Society of Civil Engineers 土木学会
Japan Society of Dam Engineers ダム工学会
Japan Society of Disaster Nursing 日本災害看護学会
Japan Society of Earth Science Education 日本地学教育学会
Japan Society of Engineering Geology 日本応用地質学会
Japan Society of Erosion Control Engineering 砂防学会
Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management 廃棄物資源循環学会
Japan Society on Water Environment 日本水環境学会
Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 日本救急医学会
Japanese Association for Disaster Medicine 日本災害医学会
Japanese Geomorophological Union 日本地形学連合
Japanese Institute of Landscape Architectur 日本造園学会
Japanese Society of Public Health 日本公衆衛生学会
Palaeontological Society of Japan 日本古生物学会
The Association of Japanese Geographers 日本地理学会
The City Planning Institute of Japan 日本都市計画学会
The Japan Association for Regional Economic Studies 日本地域経済学会
The Association of Rural Planning 農村計画学会
The Japanese Association of Safety Education 日本安全教育学会
The Japan Landslide Society 日本地すべり学会
The Japan Petroleum Institute 石油学会
The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Science 日本航空宇宙学会
The Japan Society of Hydorology and Water Resources 水文・水資源学会
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 日本機械学会
The Japan Sociological Society 日本社会学会
The Japanese Forest Society 日本森林学会
The Japanese Geotechnical Society 地盤工学会
The Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies 日本活断層学会
The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering 農業農村工学会
The Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 日本緑化工学会
The Meteorological Society of Japan 日本気象学会
The Oceanographic Society of Japan 日本海洋学会
The Remote Sensing Society of Japan 日本リモートセンシング学会
The Robotics Society of Japan 日本ロボット学会
The Seismological Society of Japan 日本地震学会
The Society of Environmental Instrumentation Control and Automation 環境システム計測制御学会
The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan 空気調和・衛生工学会
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers 計測自動制御学会
The Volcanological Society of Japan 日本火山学会
Transdisciplinary Federation of Science and Technology 横断型基幹科学技術研究団体連合
Japan Structural Consultants Association 日本建築構造技術者協会
Tokyo Society of Architects & Building Engineers 東京建築士会
The Japan Society of Seismic Isolation 日本免震構造協会
Science Council of Japan and Representatives of Academic Societies, November 29, 2014
History of Establishment
(Academic Society Liaison Association Corresponding to the Great East Japan Earthquake)
Great East Japan Earthquake occurred in March 11, 2011. The earthquake was exceeded our expectations and our science and engineering were not enough. After the Earthquake, the members of Science Council of Japan became founders and 24 academic societies (later 30 academic societies) relevant to disaster management gathered and established
“Academic Society Liaison Association Corresponding to the Great East Japan Earthquake “ in May 2011. This association aimed to collaborate across academies and deepen mutual understanding beyond different expertise.
Kamaishi deepest breakwater 2011/3/11 15:44
Japanese scientists and engineers have worked hard for disaster reduction, but they were divided into each specialty. Specialization has caused gaps.
For example, the design and technology of buildings against earthquakes are mainly for vibration. Tsunami was out of consideration. The accident of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station was caused by neglecting tsunami hazard. In Fukushima, there was no big tsunami for three hundred years.
In academic world, specialization has been progressed and integration has been weakened. For prevention and mitigation of disasters, a number of research fields are involved, such as earthquake, tsunami, active faults, earthquake engineering, wind engineering, fire, disaster prevention planning and emergency medical care. We need comprehensive platform beyond the boundaries.
(Serial Symposiums and Joint Statements Across Academies )
The Academic Society Liaison Association and Science Council of Japan held 10 serial symposiums of ‘How to protect people’s lives and national land from huge disasters’ from 2011 to 2015. This Association aims to collaborate across academies and discuss the future direction beyond different expertise.
Based on these activities, we presented Joint Statement of 30 Academic Societies “Proposal for Revision of Japanese Disaster Prevention and Reduction Policies” on May 10, 2012.
Representatives of the association and academic societies handed this joint statement over to Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Cabinet Office Minister in charge of Disaster Prevention, and Minister of Education, Culture, Sports and Science. The Japanese government showed interest to this statement.
We also published a special feature in "Trends in the Sciences" March 2013, monthly magazine of the Science Council, as the results of the activities of Academic Society Liaison Association.
The 10th of the Serial Symposiums was held on November 29, 2014 in advance of the United Nations World Conference in Sendai. Experience and knowledge acquired from natural disasters including the 2011 Earthquake and the 1995 Kobe Earthquake should be applied for disaster reduction in the world.
In this symposium, we declared
“Joint Statement of 30 Disaster-Related Academic Societies of Japan, Global sharing of the findings from the Past Great Earthquake Disasters in Japan ”, and published
the booklet of 30 academic societies’ international activities and initiatives against the great earthquakes.
Even if each research is deepened, regional disaster mitigation is not actually improved without the collaboration among different fields. Steering Committee of Academic Society Liaison Association recommends that researchers of different fields participate the practical project in specified area under the local constraints. Especially, young researchers need the comprehensive study on the site.
10th symposium on November 29, 2014
(Japan Academic Network for Disaster Reduction)
In Japan, Nankai Trough and Tokyo Metropolitan Inland Earthquakes are feared. In the world, there is a tendency that disasters occurs severer and more frequently. We must prepare for next catastrophes.
Science Council of Japan established new committee for promoting interdisciplinary cooperation of disaster reduction and disaster restoration on July 2015 and strengthened to help our activities. We are requested that we had better target various kinds of natural disasters.
As the successor of this association, we are going to establish “Japan Academic Network for Disaster Reduction” on January 9th, 2016. This network targets not only earthquakes but also natural disasters in general. We welcome newcomer academies of various fields. This network will deepen the cooperation between different academies from normal times. When large disaster occurs, this network works as emergency contact network between academies and government and society.
Science Council of Japan and Japan Academic Network for Disaster Reduction will collaborate across academies to promote multidisciplinary research for disaster reduction in the world.
Thus, Interdisciplinary collaboration is going to spread steadily. We hope that researchers and engineers will have more interest on other fields and proceed their research from comprehensive point of view, with filling the gaps of specialization.
Written by Masako Yoneda1, Akira Wada2, Teruhiko Yoda3, Kazuo Tamura4 in October 2015
Steering Committee of Japan Academic Network for Disaster Reduction
Members of Science Council of Japan, 7-22-34, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8555, Japan
1 Professor, Keio University、
2 Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Institute of Technology、
3 Professor, Waseda University、
4 Professor, Chiba Institute of Technology